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Monday, July 29, 2013


SEHEMU ya kwanza ya makala hiii tuliangalia maana ya kumuasili mtoto, pamoja na kujua watu ambao kisheria wamepewa uwezo wa kumuasili mtoto hapa nchini.

Leo tunaendelea kuangalia baadhi ya vitu muhimu ambavyo mtu aliyemuasili mtoto hapa nchini anapaswa kuvifanya au kutovifanya.

Baadhi ya vitu hivyo ni kama kifungu cha 62(1) ambacho kimeweka utaratibu kwa raia wa kigeni kumuasili mtoto hapa nchini.

Hii ni kwa sababu hatua ya raia kigeni kuwaasili watoto nje ya nchi zao imekuwa ikileta mizozo na migogoro ambayo wakati mwingine inahusisha wanadiplomasia wa nchi mbili na kuweka hali isiyokua ya kuridhisha katika mahusiano ya kidiplomasia baina ya pande mbili.

Katika kifungu hiki, maombi ya raia wa Tanzania anayeishi nje ya nchi, au maombi ya pamoja baina ya raia wa kigeni na Mtanzania, wakiwa na nia ya kumuasili mtoto raia wa Tanzania, yamewekewa utaratibu maalumu.

Kwa mujibu wa kifungu hiki, yanatakiwa kupitia Mahakama Kuu inayotakiwa kujiridhisha kwanza kama kuna taarifa za kuridhisha na za kutosha zinazoweza kufanya maombi hayo yafanyiwe kazi.

Jukumu hili la mahakama litatumika katika maombi ya muda au ya kudumu na kwamba mahakama inatakiwa kuwailiana na mamlaka husika kuona kama waombaji wameleta taarifa za kutosha kuweza kusikilizwa kwa maombi yao ya kumuasili mtoto hapa nchini.

Baadaye waombaji hufanikiwa kumuasili mtoto hapa Tanzania, sheria inatamka bayana kwamba, mtoto huyo atakuwa sawasawa na mtoto wao wa kumzaa na kwamba haki zote ambazo mtoto wa kumzaa angezipata pia zinakuwa haki za mtoto huyu aliyeasiliwa.

Kwa mujibu wa kifungu cha 64(1), mtoto aliyeasiliwa anakuwa na haki zote na wajibu wote kama vile ni mtoto aliyezaliwa na mtu huyo aliyemuasili iwe haki na wajibu wa kimila, kisheria na kadhalika.

Hali hii inaendana na haki na wajibu wa wazazi wake halisi kukoma mara baada ya maombi ya kumuasili mtoto yanapokubaliwa. Hii ina maana kwamba mzazi halisi hatakuwa na haki wala wajibu tena kwa mtoto huyo.

Haki hizi zinaendelea hata pale wazazi waliomuasili mtoto watakapofariki dunia, mtoto huyo atarithi kwa wazazi hao, na si kwa wazazi wake halisi.

Hii ni pamoja na pale mzazi huyo atakapofariki bila kuacha wosia wowote ule. Sheria hii pia imempa haki na wajibu wa kimila, ambao mtoto huyu atatakiwa kufuata na kuzingatia mila na tamaduni za mzazi wake aliyemuasili, kama kwamba ni mtoto wa damu wa mzazi huyo.

Baada ya maombi ya kumuasili mtoto kukamilika, majina ya wazazi na watoto wote walioasiliwa, yatatakiwa kusajiliwa na Msajili Mkuu atakayeweka taarifa zote muhimu za watoto pamoja na wazazi waliowaasili.

Hii ni pamoja na taarifa kutoka Mahakama Kuu zitakazohusiana na kuasiliwa kwa mtoto yeyote hapa nchini.

Sheria hii pia imekataza kwa mwombaji yeyote yule kutoa takrima au zawadi yeyote, bila idhini ya mahakama, kwa wazazi wa damu wa mtoto anayetaka au aliyemuasili.

Na kama atafanya hivi, atakuwa ametenda kosa la jinai na endapo atatiwa hatiani atahukumiwa kulipa faini isiyozidi sh za Kitanzania milioni tano au kifungo cha miaka miwili jela au vyote kwa pamoja.

Ikitokea mzazi aliyemuasili mtoto hapa nchini anataka kwenda nae nje ya nchi, mzazi huyo atatakiwa kutoa taarifa kwa maandishi kwenda kwa Kamishna wa Ustawi wa Jamii ndani ya siku thelathini kabla ya tarehe ya kuondoka nchini.

Kushindwa kufuata masharti ya kifungu hiki ni kutenda kosa la jinai ambalo chini ya kifungu cha 73(3)cha Sheria hii ya Mtoto ya mwaka 2009, adhabu yake itakuwa ni kulipa fedha kiasi kisichopungua sh za Kitanzania milioni tano na kisichozidi sh milioni 50 au kifungo cha jela kisichopungua miezi sita au vyote, kifungo na faini.

Sheria hii pia imekataza kwa mtu yeyote yule, kutangaza kwamba wazazi fulani wameruhusu mtoto wao kuasiliwa au kutangaza taarifa za watu wanaotaka kuasili mtoto nchini, na kama mtu yeyote atasababisha taarifa hizi kuchapishwa na akijua kwamba ni kosa kufanya hivi, atakuwa ametenda kosa la jinai na adhabu yake ni kulipa faini isiyopungua sh milioni moja na isiyozidi shilingi milioni kumi au kifungo kisichopungua miezi sita au kuzidi miaka miwili jela au vyote kwa pamoja.

Chanzo; Gazeti la Tanzania Daima.

1 comment:

  1. Dear all in the name of Jesus our Lord and savior.

    I have been keeping quite for some times but Jesus calls us all to use our intuitions and speak out the truth and only the Jesus kind of truth that he died on the cross for. I'm Valerian Family member and I had a great opportunity to talk to him every other Sunday and saw him in his last days fading away. It was hardest thing to see a fellow human being going through. Only Lord God Jehovah can understand the pain and anguish of his passing, yet the kind of things this young family is going through from the very people who are suppose to guide and protect them.

    The history is as bad to the point that Some Bathazar Family members got so hateful and jealous to ask publicly "Why there is no death in Valerian's Family? Why none of their children are not dying like ours?". This is kind of things that growing to this level can lead such hatred to deceive people and take matters on their hands to cause death, as they wish it so bad. But what they dont understand, there is God and that the widow, Mama Pendo, was a nurse first before she became a teacher, who could health identify problems of her kids at very early stage and seek medical treatments. While some family members, possibly, were going for traditional medicine and possibly let sickness grow on to their children beyond repair. But when faith is involved you cannot just fade it away as simple as i explained above, or just wipe out the decades of hatred. We need help and that help is from the institution like yours. More payers and God given guidelines. We need it desperately.

    We have a problem. It is problem rooted in the Chagga People Tradition of invading widows' home and oust them and their children to fend for themselves after the father, head of the family as God divinely granted them, passes away. This is done without remorse and no one, even the most educated and or exposed to the Western Civilization Culture life style are doing it and or witnessing it in their own families and don't say or do a thing about it, in spite of their knowledge that is not the right thing to do. It is bothering because I know my mother in-law and I know Auntie Florentina Masawe and Bernadin Marselian Masaawe and I have see and studied their moves. There is an issue of Uru People against Women from Marangu and married in Uru. It is hateful and dangerous and need your and our attention all

    This instrument of spreading the word of God can be used wisely and justly to become an agent of change and change that is needed now. Unfortunately, the laws are so vague and have so much gray area that the devil is using them to advance the oppression against widows and the vulnerable.

    You see, God gave us everything to better our relationship with him, but the devil as master minder, manipulator in chief, lair, master musician, master negotiator and destroyer, uses the same world we were given by God through the free-will, including laws and traditions, to destroy us. That is the truth and that is the Jesus Kind Of Truth that Jesus was Crucified for on the Cross and ultimately die for, so we can be salivated. Understanding the truth and the world that we are living is the key path to God in Heaven.

    Please, visit this Link here and evaluate all the facts by yourself and see how God sent you to help in this. We need prayers because this is the spiritual warfare that need prayers than just laws, rules and regulations. The devil is riding up in here hard and we need all the prayers we can get.

    God is great and keep on the good job of God. A we say Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope, on Behalf of Valerian Family.
